
Scan convert beam-line data from a 3D phased-array ultrasound probe.

Authors:Matthew McCormick (Kitware, Inc)
License:Apache 2.0

IO Parameters

Input/output parameters

Input Volume
Input volume
Azimuth Angular Separation
The number of radians between each azimuth unit
Elevation Angular Separation
The number of radians between each elevation unit
Radius Sample Size
The number of Cartesian units between each unit along the R
First Sample Distance
The distance to add to the radius
Output Size
Number of voxels in each direction of the output image.
Output Spacing
Spacing between voxels in each direction of the output image.
Resampling Method
Scan conversion resampling method.
Output Volume
Output Volume
Phased array 3D scan conversion screenshot

Screenshot of the ScanConvertPhasedArray3D module output.

This output can be reproduced by running the ScanConvertPhasedArray3DTest test in the project repository. Example input data can be found here.